Why is Business Vetting Important for Startup Visa?
Why Business Vetting is Important
In order for your business to be considered by a Designated Organization for the purpose of the Startup Visa Path, a validation process needs to happen that it is a legitimate business, that it is properly suited for Canada, that it is unique, and that it has the markers of potential success and growth.
Startup Visa Services can be that vetting consultant for you – we’ll investigate your business to make sure you meet all of the above and are truly ready to be matched with a Designated Organization.
How Startup Visa Services Helps
Naturally, business vetting involves providing numerous types of documents and records for analysis. This includes business documents: balance sheets, cash flow statements, financial statements, employee records, business valuations, property records, etc. Startup Visa Services makes sure you have all these documents and then analyzes them for you as part of the vetting process. Where possible, we can also assist in creating particular documents that you may not have already.
In terms of the vetting process, Startup Visa Services has a keen eye for determining whether your business is ready for Designated Organization high standards. We go through the relevant documents thoroughly and precisely to ensure – as mentioned above – that your business is legitimate, unique, properly suited for, and sustainable in Canada.
Of course, not all businesses we vet will ‘pass’ or qualify for being ready to be matched and accepted by a Designated Organization. However, we are here to assist and support, so if you do not ‘pass’, we will go through what is required to get you approved and prepared. This may include fine-tuning your business plan, helping you with innovation or industry research, conducting a feasibility study, and more.
It is important to us at Startup Visa Services team that we help you with bringing your business to Canada successfully and properly. If you are an international entrepreneur looking to bring your business to Canada via the Start-Up Visa Program and need help doing so, apply here and get the help you need: https://startupvisa.ca/apply/. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter!
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