Why Interview and Pitch Training Matters
All Start-Up Visa Program candidates must consider what an intake or admissibility interview for a Designated Organization entails, and what is required to shine during that interview. This interview can make or break your chances of the Designated Organization considering you for acceptance.
Startup Visa Services business consulting will help you prepare for your intake or admissibility interview, and make sure that when your time comes you wow your Designated Organization interviewers with the right answers and appropriate strategies.
How Startup Visa Services Can Help
Our interview and pitch training involves four key elements:
Coaching. Startup Visa Services will coach you on what type of responses Designated Organizations are looking for, and how to deliver them most eloquently. For example, a Designated Organization may ask “do you have any competitors?” Even if you do have competitors in the country you are trying to emigrate from, answering “yes” to that question will immediately disqualify you from consideration. We make sure that you always give the right answer. We also help you with maintaining eye contact, focusing on the entire group that is interviewing you if it is a panel of interviewers, and understanding the overall position/perspective of the interviewers so that you make the strongest impression possible during your interview.
Practice and Roleplay. Once you have learned the basics, we will assist you in practicing the techniques that we have coached you on. After all, practice makes perfect. We will utilize roleplay as a method for helping you practice, so that you can master your interview and/or pitching skills.
Polishing. During roleplay and practice, there are bound to be some hiccups. We will help you polish your interview and/pitching skills so that when it comes time for the actual interview or pitch, you are 100% ready and confident. Part of polishing involves tackling the more difficult questions that a Designated Organization interviewer may ask you, such as questions pertaining to the viability of your product, supply chain, and plans for employee structure. Becoming skilled at answering these questions properly can take time, which is why we take the time to help you polish your skills.
Startup Visa Services will arm you with the tactics necessary to not only satisfy but impress your interviewers, so that your chances of acceptance by a Designated Organization are as high as they can be.
If you are an international entrepreneur looking to move your business to Canada through the Start-Up Visa Program, you will eventually have to go through the Designated Organization interview process. Why not get ahead and enlist us for help? Apply here: https://startupvisa.ca/apply/.
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