Startup Visa Services Can Help You Find Workspace
So, you’re a disruptive innovator who has immigrated to Canada through the Start-Up Visa program. You have the assistance of your Designated Organization(s), but your business is still without a workspace. Unfortunately, for most entrepreneurs in this position working from home is simply not an option – they need a place for business operations to begin.
Sometimes Designated Organizations can provide you with workspace, but sometimes they don’t. That’s where Startup Visa Services comes into play. We can help you find suitable spacing for your business to function out of.
Our team is comprised of highly experienced professionals who can pinpoint exactly what kind of space you need according to your business type, its development stage and plans, and budgetary considerations.
We can help you get into co-working spaces, subleases, warehouse or grade 1 buildings. Some buildings will not let a startup lease their spaces due to the lack of credit or the type of business. We work together with you to identify the location and the type of the space that would be needed to help your business grow in Canada.
At Startup Visa Services, our goal is your success – and you need a workspace to maximize your success. Get in touch with us to learn more about how we find suitable workspaces for our clients: https://startupvisa.ca/contact-us/.
Start Up Visa Services
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