The emergence of the Conservative Party as a strong contender in the 2025 federal elections makes it inevitable for future newcomers to Canada to be aware of the potential changes in immigration policy. With a change in government, Canada’s immigration frameworks could drastically change, which will have cascading impacts on potential business immigrants.

Conservative Party’s Immigration Policy 

Pierre Poilievre, the conservative party leader since 2022 and a member of the Canadian parliament, has been emphasising the importance of immigration as an economic stimulus. He has consistently advocated for the labour shortages to be filled by economically viable foreign immigrants. As the Minister of Employment and Social Development, he spearheaded efforts in 2015 to help foreign-trained physicians and engineers integrate into the Canadian workforce more rapidly and encouraged the licensing of workers from specialised trades to ease the skills shortage in the local labour market.

On the other hand, Poilievre has also simultaneously taken more rigid stances against certain programs. The Temporary Foreign Worker Program, in particular, has faced scrutiny from Poilievre. He introduced punitive measures in 2015 to prevent employers from abusing TFWP, stating that Canadians must be allowed to fill positions before being outsourced. In 2024, reiterating a promise to review the TFWP, he stated that Canadian interests must be protected.

Potential Policy Changes Under Conservative Governance

  • Focus on Economic Immigration: Pierre Poilievre has argued that immigration policy must correspond with Canada’s economic demands. During a speech on October 24, 2024, he openly challenged the present administration’s policies by claiming that Canada’s current immigration system is “broken.” This suggests a potential prioritisation of immigrants who can immediately contribute to the economy.
  • Credential Recognition: The Conservative Party’s policy statement describes the international qualification recognition problem as a priority issue. The statement reads that “new immigrants and Canadians with foreign qualifications [should have] the best possible opportunity to use their education and experience” and that it is “a matter of fairness to them and their families and a means of ensuring that Canada receives the full benefit of foreign qualifications”.
  • Adjustment of Immigration Quotas: Poilievre has also signalled a need to manage the level of immigration into Canada in the context of the growing apprehensions regarding social services and housing accommodation. These concerns suggest there may be a reconsideration of the immigration cap, which is set for every year and determines the Canadian quota.
  • Border Security and Refugee Policy: The Conservative candidate has been particularly vocal about enhancing border security and reviewing refugee policies. He has continuously criticised the Trudeau Government and claimed that the Prime Minister was weak and had lost control of the borders. Under a Conservative government, border controls will likely be tighter and asylum procedures more narrowly defined.

The Recent Liberal Policy Changes

In contrast, the Liberal administration had already started showing intentions of lowering immigration targets even prior to Justin Trudeau stepping down in January 2025. The strategy was to reduce the estimated permanent residents from 485,000 to 395,000 in 2025, with further decreases in the following years. This decision was made in light of the attempts to solve issues regarding house prices and undue pressure on social services.

Consequences for Potential Applicants of a Startup Visa

For entrepreneurs considering the SUV program, these possible policy changes demonstrate the need to be vigilant and proactive. In principle, a Conservative administration could introduce measures that are more favourable to economic contributors and more beneficial to business immigrants. Nevertheless, there could also be new obstacles, mainly in rethinking immigrant quotas.

The Path Forward

In conclusion, a conservative victory in the 2025 elections would most likely alter immigration policy by making it more restrictive. Regardless, keeping track of developments and using professional services makes settling business undertakings in Canada possible.

In light of the changing political context, it is prudent for prospective immigrants to get professional help. Startup Visa Services focuses on helping entrepreneurs. SVS offers tailored support to navigate potential policy changes, ensuring a smoother transition for your business venture into Canada.


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